Методические задания обучения монологической речи на английском языке в 10 классе на примере учебника

Комплексная педагогика » Обучение монологической речи учеников 10 класса на уроках английского языка » Методические задания обучения монологической речи на английском языке в 10 классе на примере учебника

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Методика обучения монологической речи в данной курсовой работе разработана в соответствии с учебником “New Millennium English” 10 класса. Следует сказать, что данный учебник делится на 8 глав:

Unit 1: A good start in life.

Unit 2: Identity.

Unit 3: A time to celebrate.

Unit 4: The root of all evil?

Unit 5: Family issues.

Unit 6: Sports.

Unit 7: Animals.

Unit 8: Computers.

Таким образом, каждая глава содержит определенную тематику, и подразумевает обсуждение определенной темы. Каждая глава учебника содержит тематические тексты, упражнения на грамматику, лексику, письмо, аудирование, а также упражнения на говорение.

Ex. 3a p.9. Reading. Read and listen to the poem.

· Give it a title.

A millionbillionwillion miles from home

Waiting for the bell to go. (To go where?)

Why are they so big, other children?

So noisy? So much at home they

Must have been born in uniform.

Lived all their lives in playgrounds.

Spent the years inventing games

That don’t let me in. Games

That are rough, that shallow you up.

And the railings.

All around, the railings.

Are they to keep out wolves and monsters?

Things that carry off and eat children?

Things you don’t take sweets from?

Perhaps they’re to stop us getting out.

Running away from the lessins. Lessin.

What does a lessin look like?

Sounds small and slimy.

They keep them in glassrooms.

Whole rooms made out of glass. Imagine.

I wish I could remember my name.

Mummy said it would come in useful.

Like wellies. When there’s puddles.

Yelloowwellies. I wish she was here.

I think my name is sewn on somewhere.

Perhaps the teacher will read it for me.

Tea-cher. The one who makes the tea.

Roger McGough

Овал: Glossary
Округлений прямокутник: Invent – изобретать, swallow up – поглощать
Slimy – вязкий, sewn - вышито
Rough – грубый, railing - ограждение
Puddles - лужи
Wellies = Wellington boots
(Высокие кожаные сапоги)

Для начала следует прочитать данное стихотворение учителю, затем, попросить прочитать стихотворение одному (или двум) обучающимся. После прочтения, обучаемые должны перевести стихотворение, затем обсудить его, ответив на следующие вопросы:

1. Who is the main character of this poem?

2. Can you explain the meaning of the following words: lessin, glassrooms, tea-cher?

3. What the main character describes in the poem?

Ответив на вопросы, обучаемые должны дать название для стихотворения, например: “First day at school”, “The end of childhood”, “I am afraid”, “I have grown up” - и так далее. После того, как каждый из обучаемых предложил свой вариант, весь класс выбирает самое подходящее название.

Домашнее задание: Выразительное чтение стихотворения на следующий урок английского языка.

Данное упражнение развивает чтение, аудирование и логику, улучшает произношение и увеличивает словарный запас обучаемых, кроме того, отвечая на вопросы, они учатся использовать монологическую речь.

Ex. 2 p. 18. Reading. Read the following stories and answer the questions.

Text A. From Europe to Australia, Africa to Asia, these teenagers pack their bags, say goodbye to friends and family, then they sit on a plane for hours to arrive in a country they have probably only read about or seen on TV. Have you ever sat down and talked to these people? Asked them where they’ve been, and what they’ve seen? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in their shoes? Having been in their situation myself, I know what it feels like. Imagine walking up one day in a country that you’ve never been to, don’t know the language, and know no one there. It is an incredible experience, and something that these students will remember forever.

1. Why do you think these teenagers pack their bags?

2. Do you think it is interesting to talk to them? Why?

3. What problems do you think they might come across?

4. Why do the students remember their experience forever?

Text B. Before our experience with the exchange program, the only feelings we had toward Russia and its people, were “cold war” related. The program allowed us to begin to put names and faces to a country that during our childhood was our enemy. We have two daughters, Mallory and Amanda. They are four and seven. Our daughters learn about Russia through their elder sister’s eyes. To this day, when we see something on the news about Russia, Amanda, our youngest says, “That’s where Katya lives.” We know we had an impact on our Russian daughter’s life that will go away: while here, she was exposed to art and started drawing in school. She said she had really never had an opportunity to learn drawing before. For better or worse, that exposure to art at school may have changed her life. When she went home, we were so sad – we loved her just as one of our own. She will always be welcome in our home. There will be a little part of our hearts missing, because we sent it back to Russia.

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